Enhancing the attractiveness of the business environment

Enhancing the attractiveness of the business environment

Extension of prohibited unfair terms between companies

It is proposed that a specific provision be added to the list of prohibited unfair terms: the prohibition on a lessor terminating a lease as a penalty for a breach of contract that does not directly affect the essential obligations of the lease. This measure is designed to protect tenants against unfair termination for minor breaches or breaches unrelated to the main purpose of the lease.

Evaluation of the ban on sales below cost and the Companies and Associations Code

A reassessment of the current ban on sales below cost is planned, to determine its impact on business competitiveness and the market. At the same time, an in-depth analysis of the Companies and Associations Code will be carried out, with a particular focus on associations, to identify any legal complexities or obstacles hindering their effective operation.

Administrative simplification

A number of initiatives are planned to reduce the administrative burden on businesses:

– Further digitisation: The digitisation process will be stepped up, in particular by facilitating the digital filing of amendments to the articles of association and annual accounts, thereby reducing paperwork and speeding up procedures.

– Simplification of obligations relating to the UBO register: The administrative formalities associated with the register of beneficial owners (UBO) will be simplified. Access to this register will be extended to financial institutions, promoting greater transparency while reducing the administrative burden for companies. (vbo-feb.be)

– Reduction of restrictions for regulated service professions: Current limitations on access to certain service professions will be reviewed. Where relevant, excessive restrictions on forms of organisation and partnerships, such as the ban on multidisciplinary companies, will be lifted. This reform will particularly concern legal, accounting and tax services, as well as the architectural and engineering professions.

– Reform of advertising rules: The directives governing advertising for the regulated services professions will be modernised, allowing more transparent and effective communication of the services offered to potential customers.

– Modernisation of professional orders: Structural reform of the various professional orders will be undertaken to ensure that they are better adapted to contemporary market realities and professional practices.

These measures aim to create a more attractive entrepreneurial climate, by eliminating unnecessary obstacles and promoting greater flexibility for businesses and professionals.